Affected by the covid-19 coronavirus, yiwu market (futian market)some restrictions in and out of the market, but this is not to block access to,a lot of foreigners ask do we need to do rapid test everyday?Do we need to go to hospital stay a few days?Do we need to pay a lot of charges for rapid test covid? First of all foreign purchasers in addition to visa must have a recent nucleic acid testing proved that then scan code in, open mobile and download a special small procedure with name of Yixingou, Qr code is generated, green qr code can enter, masks, of course must be taked all the time when you are in the yiwu wholesale market,Each area has two import (one in the east, a symmetry in the west), exports are a little bit more, at least two or more exports. Yiwu toys market, yiwu hardware market, yiwu stationery market,yiwu household market…same rules, yiwui market opening time and closing time almost no change in the morning at 9:30AM-4:30PM.
General speaking, yiwu is safe, no new case for covid,all of people respect the rules in yiwu market and out of futian market,a lot of people already made coronavirus vaccinum.
Post time: Mar-22-2021